Saturday, April 30, 2011


UUUH im so glad to be finally done with the PoisonWood Bible in my oponion i was alot better than Johnny Got His Gun, alot more happened. But I can honestly say that the middle of the PoisionWood Bible was the best part of the book.


  1. I also found The Poisonwood bible entertaining. I personally thought that the ending was the best part of the book, because of the way that it made the novel come full circle.

  2. I really liked the ending, too. It was the perfect way to end the novel. Normally, I like to come up with my own endings after I read the author's, but this one was the way I would have ended it.

  3. I agree with the other, the last two books were definitly my fav's. They continued the same theme but wrapped it up and made it full cirlce.
