Thursday, February 10, 2011 english (:

Now that I am in College English and used to the way things run, I'm not so stressed anymore. It's still challenging, but well worth it.

I'm not liking this book Johnny Got His Gun, their is to much tragedy and pain, magnified in this book for me, but I can handle it.

ohhh, and goood job Andy, Brian and Dominac you guys did really good for not having much of a slide show. At first I was nervous about controversial issues but, I have faith in my group and I am sure we will do fine.


  1. I also don't feel as stressed anymore and like knowing when our assignments are due ahead of time. We also have a busy week though and never have time to work on things in class but I know this class is just preparing us for the future.

  2. Same here! Class used to be a struggle, but now I love the challenge and always try my hardes to do good. I think I prefer having due dates ahead of time, rather than getting the assignment a week in advance.

  3. I have to agree that the class is becoming more managable, but i'm still a little worried for when stariha comes back

  4. Yeah I think the book is a little confusing too amy so don't feel bad!

  5. The point about how the emotions are magnified is exactly right! Everything seems very vivid and real.
