Thursday, February 24, 2011


Im so crazy stressed right not its not even funny!! With the rough draft for the synthesis essay due Monday and a youth retreat this weekend I have no clue when I'm going to get anything done!!! Not to mention the portfolio and the fact that I still dont have a binder to put it in. Wow I think its time to crack down and maybe hope for another snow day??


  1. Another snow day?! Sign me up!!
    If you need a binder, I got mine at Target rather cheaply... but your weekend sounds packed.

  2. The only advice I can give is: breathe!!

    I'm feeling UBER stressed, too!! Deep breaths seem to help slightly.

  3. Thankyou for the advice! It Sunday afternoon and I THINK i might have a change to get everything done and not go insane! This tuesday off happens to be the biggest blessing imaginable!!
