Thursday, January 27, 2011

Worst day...ever?

Just about.   Yesterday, I had the worst stomach ache.  Luckily, I was able to go to the restroom before I threw up!  Then I went home, knowing that all I needed was some rest, then everything would be just fine.
Oh how I was wrong.  I threw up four more times, each more dastardly and painful then the last.  I could barely move!  My legs fell asleep, and my head was dizzy...I nealy passed out.  Then after a few hours of pain and vomit, I slept on my living room floor for roughly 3 hours.  I swear, I have NEVER been that sick before.  I wouldn't even wish this upon my worst eneimies!  This is what it felt like.

Well, now that I've slept most of the day away, I'm going to work on my life skills and homework from yesterday.  See you tomorrow(?).


  1. Ross you never cease to make me smile... even in your least desirable of experiences you seem to find a sense of humor! Very admirable.

  2. Well, I sure hope you are feeling a lot better Ross. Especially if u felt as bad as that Lego guy in the picture. Good luck on recovery and at least u worked on some homework afterwards right?

  3. Glad to see you back Friday!
