Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh Boy! Oh Boy!

Well today we get to see the first contreversial issue debate. I'm really excited to see how they do. I'm glad our team is fourth that way we can get a better look at how the debates are suppose to go. Our group is doing good and we have a lot of interesting things to bring to the table in our discussion. I hope that everybody else will get into ours so it drags on for a while.
Henry.... we're counting on you!


  1. Haha, we are counting on Henry! Hopefully we engage everyone else in the class and introduce them to information that they may not know about. I hope we do good as a group but I think we still have a lot to do.

  2. Well the group did really good to start off, and i know how you feel, our group goes like 5th i think so YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!

  3. The first group did an awesome job. But, I dont think you guys won't do an awesome job. You have a good dont worrry.

  4. Don't worry guys, I'll talk for all of your groups... Just don't forget to talk alot when my group goes. I go third so let's help each other out! ;)
