Sunday, January 9, 2011

Controversial Project!

Thanks everyone for the comments about our project! It was a lot of fun to be in front of class and hearing everyone's point of view. Especially about a mature topic like Gay Rights. It's not your normal, PG rated topic like we've been given throughout high school. Now hopefully Mrs. Stariha and Mrs. Krelick liked it as much as you guys did. Now it's time for the Senior Portfolios and I'm nervous again! This class defiantly keeps me on my toes! But now I'm on my fourth day being sick, I think all this work is causing my immune system to fail!! *cough cough* A break would be nice sooner or later! :D

I'm off to chug DayQuil and not leave my bed until the morning. :)

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say good job friday! Your group did such a good job that I had forgotten about how were all supposed to fill up the hour. So when the bell rang I was thinkging "wow that went quick". Everyone was commenting which is my fear when we go that no one will talk, so dont be shy!!! lol
