Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1984~Getting so much better in book 3!

After a very boring section in book 2, (when Winston is reading the book forever,) things are finally starting to move again! I don't want to spoil what happens in book 3, so I won't, but I am going to say it is super good, and you will not be able to stop reading!!


  1. OK Emily, I get it. I'm the only one that was interested in the very boring "book."
    I agree it's hard not to give too much away in class discussion when you know what's going to happen next.

  2. it was so boring!!! areed!!
    but the book is picking up once again! and i cant believe we're almost done with it already!

  3. First off I have to say that just by reading the title to this post, I knew it was Emily. :) And secondly, Em, I do have to agree with you. After sitting down for an hour or so tonight, reading my four chapters (after falling two chapters behind), I found it very difficult to put it down to take notes. :) I'm through chapter four now, which is a plus (lol), and I'm very curious about what will happen next with Winston in the last two chapters...

  4. Yeah the ending to book three was weird for me. I mean i didn't expect for him to kill julia and get electricuited to death, but i guess the book cant have a happy ending anyways right. (sorry to ruin the ending).....
