Monday, May 14, 2012


So no one sent me any of their stuff...I'm going to pretend it was because you didn't know the email and that now that I am giving you the email I'll get your stuff by tonight.

So. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send your stuff to me at

thank you! 

Also, we need to figure out times to practice our presentation.


  1. I'll get right on it don't worry...oh and tag won't work because of senior flash mob rehearals...

  2. I can send it to you tonight but is it supposed to be in a powerpoint formatt?
    Also Stariha just sent me my 2nd draft back and said I should get help focusing my essay from my group members. So if someone would be as kind as to help a fellow group member?
    I have information but it's not organized and I need help.
    Any volunteers???

  3. yaaa idk why im commenting on this but i am so ya..

  4. Wow Garrett. haha
    I got on and I was like "ooh...someone must have written back to my cry for help!" and then I look at it..and it's just you. (no offense) and it doesn't even have anything to do with anything!!! LOL's okay. I'm not mad at all and I hope that didn't sound insulting. =P but yeah.. haha
