Monday, January 30, 2012


school is making me contemplate suicide.....


  1. we can suicide walk into the water.....

  2. Garrett lets just have a antifreeze chugging contest?

  3. hey...instead of the suicide walk in the water, i can just drown you in the bathtub?

  4. a wise man once said a bullet is cheap. I say a rope is cheaper if tied right

    1. and a razor blade is cheaper yet....

    2. jumping off a building onto asfalt is free

    3. but it costs me a lot of energy to get ontop of the building.

  5. i feel like that would be totally inappropriate kendra, but i will sit in the bathtub, (fully dressed of course) and you can throw a couple toasters in and see if the power goes out...

  6. i feel like it would be a really fun time. i think clothes are stupid. but if you insist...sure..wear some clothes. first i will wrap a rope around your neck, then i will use your mothers razor blade to slit your neck...and then i will "accidently" toss jesse's blow dryer in the tub.

  7. guys..... just hope that no one gets a hold of this blog... you guys sound insane!

  8. The best way is to simpy take a bunch of pills and go to sleep

  9. ok, so now im pulling an aunt suzie? lol, well, that sounds super painful, why dont i just sit on the couch,and you can just shoot me in the head....or you can make me drink cyanide, or just chop my head off with a dull machete, there is alot of choices actually, just make sure its quick and painless otherwise you will hear my curdling scream and i doubt my parents wanna hear that...

  10. I so agree Bre. You two sound mad. Anyone else agree that this is getting a little out of hand? hahahahaa

  11. hmm wow well this is super intresting and all but garret lets just have a sucide party !! :P hehe
    fun time lol

  12. aunt suzie is a very good role model. hey one day, me, mac, sam, and mark will take my black car to the cemetary where you are burried. we'll visit you, ya know? it will be fun? but i don't wanna shoot you on the couch...because thats where i sleep? and that machete...nope. i would have to hit you with it like 20 times to get your head to come off...but maybe...that will get rid of my anger. so maybe? and your parents will be fine. your dad will let me use the dumpster truck to dispose of your body.

    on second thought...maybe i can just hit you with my car?

  13. I think kendra should be locked up she is too into coming up with ideas to kill garrett

  14. well your car would probably cut me in half with all of the sharp metal on the front of it, but hey, i got an idea, lets skydive without a cuz then halfway down i will regret doing it....ummmm, hey i got it! lets go swimming and hope i hit an undertoe,, that would be kindof scary, maybe i need to read up on suicide a bit more...

  15. make it painful ... knives to the eyes lol but has anyone else noticed this has changed from a sucide to a murder blog ... :P

    1. well....umm...kendra is just kindof violent..


    i could suffocate you...with a pillow or blanket perhaps?

  17. wow kendra, that was totally uncalled for, but im gonna look at it anyways, but maybe you should just kill me in my sleep, i can die happy, preferably on a friday night, because ona sunday night im not happy when i sleep....

  18. how about laying on some train tracks and waiting for the 8 'o clock train. or getting in a wreck in a smart car, OR playing chicken in a smart car with a train!

  19. Life got you down? Do you hate yourself? Did your girlfriend leave you? Do you have no family? Do you have no purpose in life? Have no money? Are you Canadian? Got banned from Uncyclopedia? Flaming Conservative? Pro-Life Liberal? Why go on living with all this gut wrenching guilt when you can just kill yourself, also known as Suicide. With Suicide, you can just release all that pent up guilt and let your soul go free. Fail anything but don't fail becoming An Hero. Here's everything that you will need to commit suicide successfully.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Euthanasia

      Christian spelled it wrong in the first comment.

  20. sure, i'll be at your house friday night:)

  21. that sounds like a program i would join...."i think i just got myself a pretty good deal!"

  22. wow wow wow ... i would just go with a poisinous gass that would kill me in my sleep no blood no anticipation ya know ... but what if it ended up being a nightamare and then died in a nightmare yikes that wouldnt be good!

  23. well then your totally screwed tonya haha

  24. i think you did too. so what time should i be there? maybe just show up at like 1ish? will you be sleeping by then?

  25. mushroom poisoning anyone? there are some pretty deadly shrooms out there...

  26. ok kendra, ill be there at 1 kendra, then we can just end it right there, and noah, mushrooms is the last way i would kill myself, they are the reason why i wouldkill myself...

  27. alright. and once last question...can i please have your laptop and your xbox...and your christmas lights? and all your beds and guitars?

  28. First of all...Bad Idea Garrett. That's a selfish thing to do...we talked about this in fifth hour on Friday and we established that. I am starting to think you are obsessed with that whole 'suicide walk' thing. It's kinda freaky...

    1. its not a stinken's physically impossible to drown yourself. garretts just dumb.

  29. my xbox? you hate videogames! and no im taking all that stuff with me, halo in the afterlife!!!!!!!!!!jk, that was weird,ok, gonna go before i scare anyone off, ill just comment when i get home and if i dont comment after that you guys knowwhat happened...i hope....tell my parents i loved them, well, not sam....i always hated

  30. no, i love videogames! i killed like 3 people that one time...when we were playing that one game together? umm black ops? but anyway...awkward. ummm...yea..comment when you get home. i'll comment back tonight. maybe i'll think of a more creative way to kill you?

  31. duh g, i'm not killing you until friday night. did you forget.?

  32. i must have forgot, dang.....haha, well i feel pretty accomplished by getting almost 50 comments on this, prolly the biggest thing ive ever done with my life...

    1. your not the only one who's commenting on this...

  33. yea, i mean you've done greater things i'm sure.
    i mean you did date me :)

  34. ya prolly my greatest decision ever.....nootttt......aukward....

  35. you wish you could have me back ;-) but spelled awkward wrong. garrett, things can't be awkward if you can't spell it right...but it's okay. i could tutor you?

  36. ok ok let me retry......awkward...... ok there we go, i spelled it right, and as for your first part of your message, no i do not, i am very content right now,haha (;

  37. garrett, it's okay to admit it. you don't have to hide your feelings anymore. ;) awkward..?
