Monday, January 9, 2012

I Feel Like I'm Always Talking in Newspeak

So, this is kind of odd to post, but I'm going to do it anyways. With the upcoming talent show and my upcoming music scholarship auditions I have been spending a lot of time in music. I'm searching for a song/solo/etude with a MOMENT. Those of you who are musicians know what I'm talking about, possibly those of you who aren't know as well. There are no words for it, the only way I can describe it is that your hair stands on end and you feel as if you are floating, like if the ceiling wasn't there to stop you you could just keep going and going and going into the heavens. The problem is that in order to find a song like this it requires a lot of looking.

But now to the part of this post that ties to college english. Newspeak is used to limit the range of thought by eliminating words. By making them inexpressible the party is making them unthinkable. I feel like the current english language has a lot of those same qualities. Words seem so limited. There is no way to express many of the things that come into our lives. That's why we have music. In music you can express those things that are lost to all words. The colors created in music form words that are so raw. I believe it is the most effective medium of speech.

I feel trapped with words, with how much I talk you wouldn't think that I bet haha. English is duckspeak to me


  1. I feel like expressing how you feel in actions is important, whether it be music or some other mean- maybe dance, or art, or even screaming. Sometimes I feel like we have emotions that are so particular to our own beings that there are no words to describe how we are feeling because in essence, no one has felt exactly the same before. That is why we use these other means to express these things, so that we feel like in a way people will understand.

  2. It's not only the words that convey the emotion but they way you put them together. Anyways, I know that some other languages do have words for certain feelings that we don't have. Backpfeifengesicht (German) Means a face in need of a fist. That is just on example.
    But I hope you find your moment in your song, and Emily, That sounds about right.

  3. I agree laura but I will understand your duckspeak just act it out or describe it in a completley weird way and I'll figure it out :P but on a serious note yeah I agree which is crazy when you think about it because the english vocabulary is huge! like gigantic huge yet we still search for words. Tacking on to emilys comment and being sappy even crying is a great way to emit some emotion! lol
