Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love my life right now :)

There's so much to say right now! First of all, the poem Mushrooms I did not understand at first, but when we got in groups to discuss Emily and Kristen told me how a mushroom is on the ground and it's stepped on a lot, and I realized that it's connected to The Color Purple because Celie was like a mushroom. Secondly, I am so glad we're working with our groups now, my group is very motivated and I'm actually being pushed to work extremely hard! I'm currently putting some final touches on my personal narrative, everytime I read it I really want to cry. It's about some of my friends and how they helped me to change. And I have been opening my eyes to so many things lately and have been getting so close with some of my friends and having heart to hearts and whatnot and it truly has made me realize I am not alone and I never will be and that my friends seriously are THE BEST! Y'all do know who you are, thanks so much for changing me as well as making me so happy! I'm not naming any names, just because I don't know if this person wants anyone to know this, but I've been talking/texting one of my friends and we're talking about intense things that I can't even talk to my family about because my family isn't really close to me and I just think it's so weird that I have a difficult time communicating with my family but some of my friends I can just spill my thoughts out to them. I also think my mind has broadened by taking this class, so there you go Stariha, you changed another student!


  1. Thank you Alexandria... I like to feel like I influence and empower you guys in some small way to go out in the "real world" and make your lives spectacular!

  2. Im happy for you alexandria thats great.

  3. awww go alexandria!!
    that makes me happy for you :))

  4. haha Wheres the "like" button when you need it? Im so happy for you alexandria! I also agree. Ms. Stariha, you have changed my view on many things in the world. I now see that things should be analyzed. Everything should be! I have also noticed that you have pushed me to do something more than just sit in a classroom. You want us to be extraordinary human beings that will go on and change the world. Thank you Ms. Stariha!
