Thursday, May 26, 2011


I did so terrible in class yesterday!! I asked Chelsea to switch my slides last minute but then I forgot that they were switched. Not only that, I was talking so much and forgot to have Becca switch the slides at all.

However, I felt like I did a lot better at the Library. It felt more casual so I felt a lot better. I only messed up once and I tried to cover it up as best I could.

I feel relieved to be done with my senior project, but I am still TERRIFIED about what my grade is going to be.....I lose sleep at night because of it. I used a technique that Mrs. Gauthier told me about going to sleep at night. She said to write out a list of everything I'm thinking about, i.e. things I have to have done for the next day. It really helped when I was working on my project so I always knew what I had to get done, but it doesn't help with the stress of waiting for the grade.

She also told me to make a checklist of everything I had to do before graduation, and that really helped to organize my thoughts. Every time I could check off something, I felt really good.

Tomorrow is my last full day of high school. It's the ending of an era. I'm scared to move on, but excited to leave my childhood behind and move to a new place and start a new life.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I get stressed, I think about how my life is in compared to others and that I'm thankful for what I have. Even if your [my] grade is bad, take a moment out of your life, and recognize the millions of people dying of hunger. Think off all the people in Africa struggling to stay on their feet. Even think about other students in our school. How they have abusive families, little money, and don't have as much food as we do.

    When you're done thinking, you'll feel less bad about getting marked down for simple stuff.

    As besides, I thought you performed very well (but you said uummm alot, only prob.)
