Monday, May 9, 2011

*cricket cricket*

So the whole silence concept today really had me thinking about how noisy and busy my life is. Even while I'm writing this, I'm listening to music. I don't really take time to be quiet, because my thoughts catch up to me. And it's almost as if my whole persona crumbles, and it's really scary. Sometimes I get scared, because I realize everything has been flying by. And I'm usually a confident and outgoing person. But when it comes to basking in the silence, I become a vulneralbe little kid again. I hate being scared... Especailly when one of the posts we read in class today was about only getting silence through death. Death is my number one fear, because I'm afraid of loosing my sense of thinking, and my memories. I don't want to loose my mind in the literal sense. I hate not knowing, or being in the 'unknown'. So having silence and death go hand in hand kind of freaked me out today...I don't know, this free write really hit me hard today so I thought just to write about it on here :/


  1. Silence can be a scary thing... but sometimes it can force you to self-assess. It is particularly scary when it is imposed, not because of choice, but because of fear and power.

  2. I really liked the power point you showed us today then made us free write.

  3. This really made me think about something we talked about during PWB discussions. Maybe we stay so busy and are so noisy so we dont have to think or truly feel. Kind of like Orleanna and her guilt over Ruth May's death. If you think about it the religons that are all about peace and silence and self reflection are minorities in the US. Could it be because the people just dont want to feel anything at all?
