Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well since i didn't get to share my quote during class i might as well do that now. My quote was from page 525 in Leah's section.. "If I could reach backward somehow to give father just one gift, it would be the simple human relief of knowing you've done wrong, and through it." I like this quote because it shows how Leah somewhat feels bad for Nathan and how he never realized that he was doing the wrong thing. He had died too soon to realize what he was doing was not exactly the right thing and Leah wishes that Nathan would have caught on sooner. I also like this quote because it also resembles one of the themes of the novel itself and how many people do not realize the wrongs that we are doing not only as individuals, but as a nation. It is those who realize the wrongs being done that wish that the blind could see and realize what the reality of it is. But many of us as Americans do not want to see the reality because we are too concerned with ourslelves and are too afraid to step out of our comfort zone.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked that quote. But I didn't really take it in the way that you took it, but thanks for posting this on here because I know see the bigger meaning of this quote.
