Friday, February 4, 2011

Senior Year

Well I know this really is off topic because I'm not really talking about College English, but whatever.

Anyway, I've been thinking about how much I have changed since ninth grade. In ninth grade I had three really close friends and now it's our senior year and I don't talk to any of them. Not because I think I'm better than them, but because we just drifted apart, plus I think I matured a lot! For the most part I hang out with a lot of people that I never dared to speak with four years ago. It's just so strange how much a person can change in four years! I've definitely opened up. I think I'm pretty much up front with everyone about everything. Last summer I had a realization that I have no idea when my life will end, so I need to live this life while I'm here. And at camp last summer (National Leadership Conference.. which I know Jake and Luke went to for their first year, but it was my second year) I had my quest group help me over this wall (both literally and figuratively) and I just knew at that moment that I had to stop pushing people away and start opening up. I've become so vulnerable and I know this is true because since the beginning of senior year I've done things that I have never done before! I'm so proud of myself and I hope all this strength that I've gained will help me next year when I'm at Grand Valley State University.

Totally just ranting, sorry!


  1. That's one of the things I love about teaching seniors... I get to see how much you guys grow up before you leave and see you basically at the edge of adulthood ready to go into the REAL WORLD! I envy you your array of possibilities.

  2. Its so crazy that we are all grown up and ready to go off and be on our own. Im excited but scared at the same time. it will definitely be different!

  3. Thats so true. I cant wait to go off on my own and make my own decisions. It will be different but im looking forward too it. Hopefully stariha will be back soon so she can enjoy her favorite class
